I've Seen a Reoccuring Trend in Users Branching off of ROBLOX
They are see being a moderator as a good thing they should reach for. To tell the truth, in a forum a moderator is just a person that deletes and moves things.

In other words, it is a job. I think you should all direct your thoughts to having fun rather than trying to get a job that may make things less fun. But what do I know? I have only moderated images so I don't know much about the job of a forum mod.

But I do know one thing, less people should be thinking about mods atm.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]

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I've Seen a Reoccuring Trend in Users Branching off of ROBLOX - by Ming-Yan - 04-11-2011, 12:50 AM

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