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Are any of you watching the Presidential Inauguration today?
I am, so far it's been amazing. It's well-organized, great people are speaking, and it's probably the best inauguration I've seen (the worst was the one in '84 even though I was only born in '98). Sometimes I wonder, is Obama really that good? And now I see how he has the same views on everything that I have, he's a very genuine and kind guy, but the thing that bothers me the most is that he ISN'T a leader, it's like he has no anger in him. He is very professorial. He has to start stepping up to the plate and being a bit more aggressive to those republicans in Congress and in the Senate. Obama is perfect for America at this timing; we're transitioning and changing demographically, culturally, economically and financially. I have nothing against him, and I like Obama very much. I'm glad that my liberal-hippie-dippie parents voted for him.
[Image: m2m2gSSDCz-2.png]

Well I WAS the walrus.

Messages In This Thread
Are any of you watching the Presidential Inauguration today? - by Oak - 01-21-2013, 05:27 PM

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