In-game Building FaQ *What do you guys think?*
"How do I inster a script?"

A typo

inster --> insert

"How do I copy/delete a brick?
- Click the brick you would liek to copy or delete, then click the edit button and click "Copy" to copy the brick or click the "Cut" button to delete it."

liek --> like

"Does Buidism read rbx.lua?
-No Buildism doesnt read rbx.lua, you would have to edit it to make the script work."

doesnt --> doesn't
"How do I make a ladder?
- The ladder button can be found next tot the play/pause button on the top of the ingame screen. Once you have pressed you can verticaly resize the ladder."

verticaly --> vertically
"How do I resize a brick?
-While ingame, press the square with the 4 white squares. Once you
have press the square click on the brick you would like to re-size."

re-size --> resize

"How Do I change the time of the day?
- Click on the Pencil on the side of your ingame screen. Once you have clicked it click "Envioment" and change the time to your needs."

Envioment --> Enviroment
"How do I resize a brick?
-While ingame, press the square with the 4 white squares. Once you
have press the square click on the brick you would like to re-size."

re-size --> resize

"How Do I change the time of the day?
- Click on the Pencil on the side of your ingame screen. Once you have clicked it click "Envioment" and change the time to your needs."

Envioment --> Environment
"How Do I change the time of the day?"

Do --> do (uncapitalize)

"How Do I add Text to a brick?"

Do --> do (uncapitalized) ; Text -- text (uncapitalized)

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