Total Guid to the Detailed 6
The Detailed 6 is a group of skin makers with a talent to make skin, this is invitation only. And can only be invited by me. RULES: you must make atleast one detailed skin a week or you will be kicked out. It will be rated by me and me only. If I approve, you stay. If I decline, you have until Monday to make a new one. If you decline the first time, you will not be asked again for another week. If I ask you to join and you decline a second time, you can not join. If I kick you out, and ask you to join again because you were late but still made one, the same rules apply.
Also, say I want to join. If you want to join

Messages In This Thread
Total Guid to the Detailed 6 - by Rare - 04-13-2011, 05:03 AM

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