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I'm a terrible person.
(01-23-2013, 01:58 AM)Oak Wrote: Ok so I was a mod on this once civilized political debate forum for a few months now, and all of a sudden everyone started calling me a kike, fascist, and Hitler-worshipper and one guy told me to go die. This was all because I enforced a "no porn" rule, then everyone started rebelling against me on Friday, I tried to make due with it but couldn't. People started framing me to get me out, and the owner of the site who I was once friendly with liked me very much and at the time the community hated everyone. Well today I went over-troll, I became abusive with my powers, I started banning everyone like hell, I deleted 95% of the sections, -2000 threads were deleted forever, and -15000 posts are now gone, I'm IP'd and I understand that but I feel so guilty now. I should of resigned and that's it. I'm not a nasty person but I feel like a horrible, HORRIBLE human-being now for doing that. I just wanted to get this off my chest.

Over 10000 posts? Shit, that's worse than Hitler, Mao, Kim Il-Sung, Pol Pot, Che, Mobutu, Leopold, Fidel Castro, and Ashely combined.

Seriously though, you really screwed up and there is no way that you can ever compensate for it.

Can you post/PM the link to the forums? I'm kind of interested in what kind of forum would have you as mod.
[Image: 9g5l9w1mtad.png]
The red dots specify where the bombs will be dropped.

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I'm a terrible person. - by Oak - 01-23-2013, 01:58 AM

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