Rules, fixed. (Pin delete or lock this, I don't care.
Many people question the list of rules. Are we allowed to avoid it and still break the rule? No. HEY, SINCE THE RULE OF 'random rule breaking thing' IS NOT ON THE LIST, LET'S BREAK IT! Sure, you may break it if you want to be banned. Just because some rules aren't on the list doesn't give you the right to break it.

-Do not use any words that would not be allowed in a PG movie.
-Do not troll, flame, or attack members or groups.
-Do not provide or ask for identifiable personal information.
-Debates about any topic are acceptable, as long as they don't lead to flaming.
-Do not post in the wrong section. For example, anything not about Buildism belongs in General Discussion or Video Games.
-Don't create alternate accounts to break the rules.
-Embedding or linking to shock images, porn, and other obscene material is not allowed.
-Do not discuss how to pirate games or other media.
-Do not plagiarize (take credit for the work of someone else.)
-Do not cross post the same message in multiple sections.
-Don't make short useless posts (the only exception is the Games section.)
-Don't bump your own threads to get attention, unless you have something useful to say.
-Posting in old threads is allowed only if your posts have a purpose.
-Do not post images that stretch the site layout (more than 800px wide), or that have very large filesizes.
-Don't make threads directed at specific people; that is what PMs and profile comments are for.
-Do not online date (make girlfriends/boyfriends on Buildism). This is not eHarmony.
-Do not make threads complain about the forums being dead, it is spam and will be deleted.
Breaking these rules will get you warned or temporarily banned, if you continue to disregard them you may be banned permanently.


Messages In This Thread
Rules, fixed. (Pin delete or lock this, I don't care. - by broloxer - 04-19-2011, 12:16 AM

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