[Login's Blog] Crew! (Recruiting)
Feel like you can help Login and his blog? Sign up! You've got to show me some of your writing as samples of your work. This is an example of how you should set up your entry:

Hi, I'm Login. I feel as if I could really help expand on your blog, thus, I chose to sign up for this.
-My Sample Work:
Title (<You can make it up


Once done, as a member, you can write blogs for me to edit/publish - send me the blogs via PM, I'll give you credit. You can also suggest ideas for me to do.
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]

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[Login's Blog] Crew! (Recruiting) - by Login - 04-21-2011, 01:41 AM

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