Guys, we need to step it up a notch on the report responding!
(04-27-2011, 06:59 PM)Sazaho Wrote: I'm on when I can.
I heed advice.
I make fair judgments and decisions.
I Appropriately take moderator action.
I read any moderator report notices and sort them.

Did I miss anything?

No, I was the only mod that was online for a long time -- well over 5 hours, possibly 6 -- and we have 10 moderators located all across the Northern Atlantic. It's tough when it's the middle of the day, there are a bunch (for Buildism) of people online (almost 10), and you're the only one who can do anything about something not being right.

I'm not blaming anyone here -- I'm just saying I can't moderate everything all the time. Maybe (oh, the horror) we just need more mods.

Everyone is doing a good job -- maybe there just aren't enough of us to be online when there needs to be.

Of course, we could have just had a bad hour for OTing BDers. And maybe I'm just having an off day with the weather being like it is where I live today.

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