Idea For Gag Manga
One day this dude decides to confess to a girl. He has known her since elementary however, he is...noob nerd guy and she is hawt popular girl.
Anyway he does but girl makes an excuse that "he is not noticeable/special enough".

What does he do? Nerd baka man do this, he tries to make super awesome surprise confession using fire works but because he is a noob it goes wrong.
He unfortunately ends up burning his and his roommate's dorm. (I forgot to mention it was a boarding school didn't I?)

Anyway coincidentally (yeah right) the only available room is hawt popular girl's so from then on in the series he and his room mate are with her and her room mate.

Did I forget to mention it is a gag manga?
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Idea For Gag Manga - by Ming-Yan - 05-04-2011, 04:28 AM

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