Attenion:Please Tell other people to stop believing in 2012
(05-17-2011, 12:14 PM)Ice Wrote: You have the right to believe in anything you want.

And I can believe that tommorow I'll turn into a duck and go chase Jacob_'s cat up a tree before it starts to rain purple jelly balls.

I can believe it all I want, but that doesn't mean it'll happen.
Oh, and polar shifts? You mean when the South Pole becomes the Norht Pole and vice versa?

1: We've been way overdue for one.

2: They only take a few years.

3: The magnetic field weakens when it happens, and random north and south poles pop up all over the globe.

4: If a major solar flare aimed at the Earth happens then (solar max is coming in the next few years at some point), it could in theory cause an EMP and black-out the world.

However, it's very unlikely and the Science Channel show I watched about it may have overstated some stuff.

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