Worst Roblox ban ever.
The paytoplay part -- no. The communist part -- no. The disney buying it part -- a possibility. They've done deals before. It would probably just be some "partnership deal" though.

Although Disney does own quite a lot. ESPN and ABC television channels, for instance.

As for "communist" -- the U.S. government did almost as much censorship of enemy documents and speeches as Stalin did during that time. And ROBLOX isn't denying free speech -- it's trying to keep the site "clean" of people who could start flame wars quite easily. Ever heard of all those times in the 1830s-40s when abolitionist presses were burned? Free speech doesn't mean free troublemaking.

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Worst Roblox ban ever. - by Slendurrman - 05-17-2011, 02:16 AM

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