Suggestive Speach
In response to a thread at "The Admin Zone" that was linked by Jacob- I think that a feature which has a list of sentences a new user (or any user) can use if he/she does not know what to say. E.G

at the side of the screen there will be a little white box saying something along the lines of "suggestive speach" or "Quick Chat".
You click on that, and a selection box will appear, with categories such as:
  • Introductions
  • Jokes
  • Hellos
  • Goodbyes
  • Questions
  • Silly

This may encourage new users to introduce themselves, and make it easier for shy users.
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]

Messages In This Thread
Suggestive Speach - by Sazaho - 05-20-2011, 11:20 PM

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