The problem with being a moderator...
When something goes wrong, we get blamed -- often unfairly.

For instance, Bob (random name for sake of representation) gets PAd by Joe. Bob retorts, and Bob and Joe start flaming each other. Bob and Joe get 3-day bans from Steve. Bob suddenly hates Steve, even though Steve was just punishing a flamer. The way Bob sees it, he was attacked and got punished for it. Even though he was banned for PAing Joe back.

Or, Bob makes a skin that's a copy of one of Joe's. Steve deletes it because it's "spam" -- there's already an identical one out there. Bob posts, "Why did you delete my perfectly rule-obeying skin? It's the end of the freedom of Speech and Expression!" *ragequit* Even though it did break a rule -- copying.

I'm not saying we are perfect -- there have been a few punishments that have been revoked after the other mods looked at it -- and I'm not saying everyone who we punish rages at us, I'm just saying -- if we say you did something wrong and you think it wasn't wrong, look at it twice before you rage at us -- and even then, don't get mad, just tell us what you think was unfair and we'll look at it.

We're people too -- not machines designed to weed out anything unperfect.

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The problem with being a moderator... - by Qwertygiy - 05-21-2011, 10:17 PM

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