Punishment is Not Based Off of Reputation
Punishment is based off the the offense it is given for.

If a person with a 50 ban record accidentally bumps and old thread, they get a warning. It DOESN'T matter that they have a big ban history or bad reputation. Due to the offense being almost insignificant, the punishment is not severe.

If a person has been on a site with a clean record and reputation for a long time and decides to do something stupid like hack a user of power, they get a severe punishment. IT DOESN'T matter if the person has no ban history of if the person is a good guy, he broke a big rule and is severely punished for it.

In a sentence to jail, the amount of time is based off of what the person did. The fact that they have a clean record or a bad record of offenses does not effect their punishment. They get the amount of time for the action they have done.
If bans were based off of reputation, respect, and record, it would be corrupt.

People have the ability to change over, that is why people go to jail and aren't instantly killed. If the person's record effect their punishment, than a guy that loiters at mcdonalds would end up getting an exponential fine.
NO, they just pay the $250 every time they loiter at the restaurant.
It doesn't go "Oh you loiter the other 2 times so you fine this time is 750". NO it's just $250 again. Likewise, if it's a person's first time loitering they have to pay $250.

Bad words and such are judged by the severity of the action. If it is spammed F bombs it is punished like spammed F bombs, not as the guy no one likes who is rude that F bombed.
Let me put it into context, Kieron blows up and starts ranting and debating with Jacob_. He uses bad langauge to further push his words and for a more powerful diction.

Kieron is not punished for using bad language and disrespecting power, he is punished for using bad language.

Although generally people in power are respected, if they aren't that does not mean that a law or rule is broken. I can say I dislike a mayor and rant about him without being put into jail. If people couldn't rant or argue with power, the rules and laws would be corrupt.

Likewise, if I decide I want to argue with Sazaho about something and I end up name calling, I am not banned for disrespect, I am only banned IF within my rants I have broken a rule.

People stop judging how long a ban should be based off of previous record. Every offense should start new.
Therefore, a warning level should be reset every time the punishment is done.

Not doing so is like a person still having to be under police watch a few more weeks after they are out of jail...which doesn't happen [unless they are involve with FBI stuff which is completely difference and anonymous. ]
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Punishment is Not Based Off of Reputation - by Ming-Yan - 05-27-2011, 03:32 AM

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