Wow, this is akward.
(05-27-2011, 11:34 PM)TheFlame Wrote: tyler is a troll who I honestly think doesn't deserve being a moderator.

"Your not aloud to say *COUGH*?"
"No as in it is not aloud or No it is aloud. Also I don't see why that would be against the rules if A,D,and H word are aloud. "
"Honestly I think that warning was unfair. It says nothing in the rules about *COUGH* being against the rules and it is certainly not more severe than the A,D,or H word. All I am saying is I think my warning level should be set to a 0% again. If you are not being agreeable on this then I will report to Jacob_. "
"Yes I have before. Since when has the A,D,and H word been in PG movies hmmmm?"
"I knew what word because its the only thing that is "supposedly" not in PG movies. "
"Well yeah AFTER I found out it was against the rules. Will you shut your mouth and stop arguing whether that is in a PG movie or not already? are getting on my nerves. End of discussion.
"Says the moderator with a shoop da whoop suit."
"Way to change the subject. "
"Umm no. "
"Will you stop wasting my time?"
"You know if you reply one more time I will just delete it. "
You tell me who you think the troll is here.
And, when I said "*COUGH*", he didn't get warned for saying "*COUGH*", he got warned for saying something different...

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Wow, this is akward. - by broloxer - 05-27-2011, 01:48 PM

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