Does asking to be a mod ruin my chances of being a mod?
Qwertygiy Wrote:We already have 10, and that's a large portion of our active community.
Anyway, Jacob's thinking about making an "application thread" for that kinda thing anyway, not just being picked from the community.

Phoenix Wrote:Bad idea. Anyone can put on a pretty face for the camera- seeing how you actually interact with other users should determine your position, not how well you can fake it.

I have an idea here... perhaps we should give "applicants" or however it's spelled, a trainee moderator status. I don't know what priviledges they would get, but I'm thinking:

They are not allowed to ban, but maybe they can have a "request" to ban thing, that they press, sort of like a report, only they would fill out what they would do if in that position, and a mod looks at it and decides whether this is the right choice or not, etc.


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