Epic Super Awesome face :O
(06-14-2011, 08:19 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Half of Australia is more like the size of Ukraine.

Anyway, antimatter has:

1: Only been produced in a few atoms' worth

2: It vanished immediately, because some photons (light) hit them

3: Enough antimatter to inject would result in a huge explosion as the antimatter would hit normal matter, turning both into pure energy. Energy = Mass times Speed of Light times Speed of Light.

The mass isn't that much, but the speed of light is pretty big.

So essentially, blandnades would destroy the laboratory as soon as they were made. Not to mention the blandnades.

You might be thinking instead of other Dark matter... WIMPs perhaps.

Well you see it took us multiple tries to inject the antimatter.

Don't worry it's kind of safe.

Oh and we have our own way of making antimatter.

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Epic Super Awesome face :O - by Blandflakes - 06-14-2011, 12:24 PM

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