(06-28-2011, 01:01 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Instead of

n.Name = math.Random(1,10000)
speaker.Body:clone().Parent = n


n.Name = tostring(math.random(1,10000))
n.Skin = speaker.Character.Skin
if speaker is a Player.

Thanks, but the sixth line in was incorrect. I put .Workspace, not .World. Big Grin Still fails to work, and I have done tweaks here and there:

[lua]t = create("TextValue")
n = create("NPC")
l = create("Label")

if msg == "clone;" then
n.Parent = game.World
t.Parent = game.Storage
t.Name = speaker.Name
l.Parent = n
l.Text = speaker.Name .. "'s Clone"
n.Name = tostring(math.random(1,10000))
n.Skin = speaker.Character.Skin
n:clone().Parent = t
print("You have successfully cloned yourself.")
All my mods are available here.

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msg - by Nyht - 06-28-2011, 10:22 AM

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