I rewrote the script.

I have no idea this one script is causing me so much grief...

if msg == "/clone" then
clone = create("NPC")
clone.Parent = game.World
clone.Skin = speaker.Character.Skin
clone.Name = tostring(math.random(1,10000))
label = create("Label")
label.Parent = clone
label.Text = speaker.Name
model = create("Model")
model2 = create("Model")
model.Parent = game.World
model2.Parent = game.Storage
model.Name = speaker.Name
model2.Name = speaker.Name
clone:clone().Parent = model2
print("You have created " .. clone.Name .. ", remember this name to restore and delete.")

I am going to re-write it a third time to be even more advanced then this; e.g. someone can actually make their label name for the NPC, ect

I'll also add a "/follow" and "/stop" command after I implement the "/remove" commands.
All my mods are available here.

Messages In This Thread
msg - by Nyht - 06-28-2011, 10:22 AM

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