I am not trying to evade my ban I just want answers.
[Image: 6p5dhu.png]
Ok here are what I am going to say.

#1 Trolling?! I didn't troll at all, wherever you get this idea, is beyond me. (no sarcasm intended)

#2 Flaming and trolling are the same thing.

#3 EXCESSIVE binary cursing? lolno, I did it 2 times then stopped, and already had a warning level for it, so thats pretty invalid to use that as a ban reason.

What I am saying is, after me exploiting this, you banned me for flaming morons that flamed a thread that was never mean't to flame and troll ANYBODY, and yet I am banned. I give up on not only the users, but the mods too considering that is an outrageous reason to ban me.I will be back from my ban fairly, I only wanted to state this reaction.- LuckyOne.

Messages In This Thread
I am not trying to evade my ban I just want answers. - by Banned - 06-29-2011, 03:36 AM

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