Ok Let Me Get This Straight [Time Lineish Thing]
  • I meet her and we are friends she also said "hi" in the halls ways.

  • She is nice and one of [if not the] only person who ever actually complimented me for doing nothing.

  • I date my friend Carolina.

  • I break up with Carolina and get sad and depressed.

  • I become a hater to Carolina.

  • I played rock, paper, scissors with my friend that also liked her and I won. Then as a guys joke, I post on her wall he likes her.
    She goes wtf.

  • I decide to make a racist picture with her in it for the lols and due to boredom. [wanted same reaction as other edited pictures]
    She goes wtf.

  • I then apologize and she becomes a hater.

  • I assumed she thought I hated her so I sent her a message saying I liked her [it was an intended confession but my dad made meh go to sleep before I could write a long note]
    She blocks me.

  • I avoid her while asking for support.
    Support hates me.

  • She eventually says things are better.

  • I post on a friends wall, she defriends me and says I post on her and other people's wall on Facebook too much.
    I go wtf.

  • Next year friends again. [not really :/]

  • She dates another guy and blocks me. They eventually break up.

  • I give her valentines day gift.

  • She starts saying "hi" again, however I never responded.
    These stopped.

  • After a while I decided to get her something from Acen, however due to costs I made something instead. She says thanks.

  • She rants about me being nice and that we can't be friends.

  • I compliment her attempting to change subject.

  • I get blocked. I got wtf.
Help me find the mess up plox D:
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]

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Ok Let Me Get This Straight [Time Lineish Thing] - by Ming-Yan - 06-29-2011, 03:51 AM

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