The purpose of Buildism is game creation.

I know I was joking about kicking my dog yesterday, but if it's 2012 or 2013 and there are STILL hardly any members that make games I WILL close the site. Looking at the recently changed games list right now is making me want to jam a nail through my monitor or something (and that's after I removed the BROLOXER LIKES GUMBALL crap).

If I wasn't nice I would just ban everyone that has been here more than 2 months without even trying to learn how to use the editor properly.

Also, from now on there is going to be stricter moderation for those that don't make games *and* frequently cause trouble on the forums (you know who you are.) Maybe it's not on purpose but you guys are just making Buildism worse; posting on the forums can help the community too but ONLY if done properly.

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