Jacob_ Is wondering why we all like foruming.
(06-30-2011, 07:39 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: Yeah, Bluehost is pretty bad. I've heard they put thousands of websites on the same server, which would explain the occasional lag/downtime...

This will probably be our next host: http://www.linode.com/

I can attest to Bluehost being awful and Linode being great. From Bluehost I've had nothing but condescending support, laughable uptime and random outages (upgrading the Linux kernel does not take 2 hours).

BlandFlakes mentioned a referral system. We've had little success with referrals here on BCy, but that was because we didn't advertise enough at the right time (yeah, we've had all the Roblox raiding stuff too). Commercial advertising - AdWords, etc. - will only bring you an audience you don't want or aren't sure about.

I really do recommend the word of mouth approach to all you Buildists. Buildism's a good game but it needs a good following too!

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