The Attack
This a story made from me when I had a Idea in my head. It is a attack on London when William And Kate try to leave to get back to Britain. This story is pure fiction, so It probably might not happen.

One day, In July 10 2011, When Prince William and Kate Middleton left for England on plane to california, they said goodbyes and hugged their Fans. William and Kate Board the plane and 30 minutes later when They were in Arizona on The plane just 60 miles away from Phoenix, Bad News Arrived when Kate was just Dressing up. Prince William screamed at her telling her "Kate, there is some really bad news". So than Kate came out wearing just a towel around her body.

When Kate Middleton saw the news, she could not believe what she heard and saw. She cryed out thousands of tears while Prince William was crying tears as well. While a news helicopter flyed over the remains of London, the Reporter said "Gaddafi or some Islamic Terrorist group attacked London some 5 to 10 minutes ago. The attack was a nuclear attack and it was caused probably because of Gaddafi getting sick and tired of his group being attacked by NATO airstrikes. As of right now, 12:10 PM, there has been no reported survivers except for a few. The Queen was also killed in the blast. We will get more reports on this attack, reporting CNN news London Live". The Pilot looked around and said "A Nuclear Terrorist attack on London? Wow, we need to get to a nearby airport. The only Airports close to them were Sky Harbor Airport of Phoenix, Arizona.

After The Pilot told them they were going to land in Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, There were only 41 miles until they were at the Airport. By that time, they could see the outer edge of the White Tank Mountains. Around this time, I called my parents and said "Did you here about the London Nuclear Bombing?" There was no response, even through I usually got a response. There was a large dust storm outside, that it was so Reddish-Orange, it looked like Mars and you could not see 5-10 feet infront of you. I called my parents again and they didn't respond. I called them 100 times and still no response. The wind was fast as 70 miles per hour, enough to snap weak branches off. I turned on the news and saw what happened, there was many as 5000 accidents, including one near at safeway, which my parents where in, so I assumed they were dead.

Meanwhile, Prince William and Kate Middleton arrived at the Sky Harbor Airport. The Mars looking sand storm was just 100 feet away, but getting 10 feet closer every 10 seconds. They ran for indoors and they landed inside the airport. The sandstorm was coming from the North, so when they got inside, the Sandstorm blew so hard that it made some weak small trees fly towards the windows. The windows were ok, but some sand was coming in, but thankfully the doors shut closed completely. I also saw on the News that there was a F1 Tornado about to form in Scottsdale. The Sandstorm was strong enough that one tornado was about to form. A tornado started to form and headed towards the Southeast. I was worried because I did not want the Royals to get hurt. The Tornado headed for Tempe, Arizona. It became a F4 Tornado, it damaged and sometimes destroyed a lot of Buildings.

Meanwhile, I hid in the Bathroom and saw from my Ipod that the Sandstorms would stop in about 30 mins. I called My friends to pick me up when the Sandstorm was over. It started to rain superhard and some thunder started. 30 minutes later, the sandstorm ended and it was mostly cloudy and the rain stopped. The rain was hard enough to flood to about 6 feet high. I checked the news, the tornado ended about 15 minutes ago and a record 1 million were left without power. That meant a portion of Arizona did not have power. I looked outside, some rain started pouring in again, cleaning the sand from the Massive Sandstorm we just had a few minutes ago. The rain stopped and the flood was 10 feet high this time. My friends picked me up by now and drove me to there house, which was just a few minutes away. By the time I was playing Portal 2 with him, it was mostly sunny outisde again, the waters started to receed.

Meanwhile, Kate Middleton and Prince William did not return to London, but they decided to stay here because Every royal that was there was killed by the Nuclear Explosion. Kate Middleton's mom and her sister, Pippa Middleton was alive, they were in France to have some time to rest. Kate called her mom and said that they were still in The United States in Arizona and they just felt a super bad Sandstorm. A tornado even went close to them, but luckily, the tornado was just 20 feet from the terminal they were in, so the terminal they were was safe. Every other Terminal was nearly destroyed. I read on the news that the deaths of the tornado was about 200,000, so it was recorded as the deadliest Tornado in history, even through it was only F4.
I went to the scene of the crash and saw my parents dead from the crash. They tryed to recover, but they died and so my little brother die as well. I was sadden by this, by we went to the Airport and William and Kate ask if they could stay with us and my friend's parents said "Yes" they could. They arrived at my home and cleaned my house and sold any useless things and renovated my home. Kate Middleton Called her mom and said if they could come over. I did a Pregnancy test on Middleton, because she asked and it showed that she was Pregnant.

One of her relatives died in the blast. A Moment of Silence was performed around the world. They found out who did the attack and it was one of Gaddafi's rebel with the help of other Islamic groups. A few days later, Middleton's mom arrived at my house and we had some fun. England became bankrupt and it affected United States, so some stuff were stopped being made because of this. Arizona was once again recovering from the Tornado, so it was rebuilt very quickly and Easily and Arizona lived in peace.

[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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The Attack - by BuildistGuard - 07-10-2011, 06:28 AM

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