What's the most Stupidist thing you done?
(07-14-2011, 06:50 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: Oh, that reminds me, sledding down a hill covered with snow and a thin glaze of ice isn't a good idea either, especially when that hill ends very abruptly. I did that in January, and until 2-3 months ago you could still see all of the cuts on my hand from when I desperately dragged it on the ground to slow down so I wouldn't crash into a tree.

I didn't do this, but I witnessed it. The day after that guy died just before the Vancouver Olympics by hitting a metal pole, two girls were sledding at the park near my house. There's this big hill there, which starts by some trees, gets very steep, then flattens out and crosses a concrete path, then steepens again between a trash can and a bench swing. They decided to try to sled under the swing, between its two poles. They hit the concrete path, which bumped the sled to the left a bit, and hit the pole. It broke one of the girls' legs and we had to call the paramedics.

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