I remember having this fake AntiVirus....(True Story)
(07-15-2011, 03:51 AM)Testerrocksroblox Wrote: It was called "Windows Vista 2012 AntiVirus". It was installed on my computer so I did not know what the heck was the Virus. I scanned and it said, you need to remove these infections. When I found out the next day(July 4) I knew those "Infections" were actually important and good files. It said "'Do not remove them" in the guide. The Next day, I downloaded these files to shut down the virus. It did and I told my dad and used his USB to transfer one of my files to my computer from the main Computer.

I then Downloaded MalwareBytes to remove the fake antivirus. I then scanned the computer then it was cleansed after I scanned it. It Cleansed itself after I clicked to remove them. I removed it and it worked. My dad said before, "Do it at your own risk, even if your computer breaks down". I did, but my computer did not break down.

After I removed the fake AntiVirus, I was never going to download anything without looking at the site closely.
The internet can be so scary.


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