I OWNED This Guy on FB
Oh I think I did mix up som "they're"s with "their". Meh even still I had better grammar in general...though some were run ons.

His last TL;DR made me laugh though.
If you want just skip here:

Jacob McKibben
It's invalid because I haven't done anything. You are essentially trying to say I am mentally ill because I have countered all of your arguments. How have I contradicted myself? My wikipedia example is a comparison rather than a posed question directed towards you.

You lost after you said I assumed. Please stop, it's the same thing over and over. Just give up, you can't beat someone like me because I will keep chewing at you regardless of what you say because my initial opinion has more basis than yours.
19 minutes ago · Like

Davis Dickens
Well I'm tired, you were fun. Stupid, ignorant, conceited, but you gave me something to do for the last 40 minutes. But you know what Cowboy bebop is on, and although it's still not the greatest anime, it's better then reading your shit.

Tl:Dr get over yourself, or kill yourself, you lost, you're wrong, you're butthurt, choose one or the other it doesn't matter to me, accept the loss gracefully, or continue on talking to yourself as if you've won. Good bye
29 minutes ago · Like

Jacob McKibben ‎@your last response:
TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you got so butthurt. xD
Sorry, messing with kids on the internet is too much fun! Especially if their ignorance goes as far as to tell someone to give up life over an argument that means nothing to the person you are talking to.
5 minutes ago · Like
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I OWNED This Guy on FB - by Ming-Yan - 07-17-2011, 06:43 AM

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