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Ashely, please read this, and let everyone say their opinions and thoughts.
(07-21-2011, 12:59 AM)LOL Wrote: "Who?"

I've chatted with several mods and other users.

"Again, who?"

Same answer.

"Since when?"

Since the time she has became self-centered.


Same answer for 1 and 2.

"Because drama isn't what this forum needs right now. That's why they're locked."

It isn't intended to cause drama, most people who don't know how to control it make it big, that's how the drama mostly happens, and there has even been some people suggesting a debate section.

"It's funny because you think you know everything."

And how do you know that? It's funny how you think you're always right. Some of these statements are from what other people think.

"And how do you know that?"
"You only do all this because you're so desperate of keeping your job."
"It isn't intended to cause drama"
But it still does.
"and there has even been some people suggesting a debate section."
Well, Buildism Discussion isn't the debate section.
"most people who don't know how to control it make it big, that's how the drama mostly happens,"
She answered the debate threads and then locked them. If they wanted to continue "flaming", they could've sent something in a PM. When there's a flame war, it usually goes to 1 person. No one else cares!

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