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Ashely, please read this, and let everyone say their opinions and thoughts.
"You gave me a longer ban than spongebob because you dislike me more."

Spongebob wasn't banned by Ashely.

"You obsessively lock and delete threads."

Good, we need a couple strict mods.

"Debates are almost impossible to have with you. It all ends up with you locking, deleting, and covering it all up."

I don't know which threads you're talking about specifically, but I know I've replied to debates in the past and locked them immediately afterwards. It wasn't because I wanted to win, but either because the argument was entirely illogical or it was turning into a flame war. I promoted Ashely for a reason, I know she's above using the mod tools as a debating strategy...

"You only do all this because you're so desperate of keeping your job."

She doesn't need to be desperate, right now her chance of losing her job is right around 0.00%.

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