A shocking truth.
In 2010 last year in march, my older brother Sam, tried committing suicide by consuming 25-30 tablets of Tylenol, it was the most shocking thing that struck my heart, I never saw this coming....but this was only the beginning of my search for information. But to day, I was typing down poetry on my moms laptop to print for a slam poetry presentation, when I was going to save it in my documents I saw a file named "the journey of Sam" I was very confused, saved the poetry and opened it. It talked about how he was sensitive his entire life, something I was never told to be aware of in my entire life until today, he also did multiple other things like saying he would kill himself then be in society. I was shocked at how much my parents kept this away, under a blanket of lies away from me. I am going to confront them about this tomorrow, regardless of the consequences or actions, they can send me to my death aslong as I get my answers I seek and how long they have been hiding my brothers true colors from me.

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A shocking truth. - by Slendurrman - 07-22-2011, 06:07 AM

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