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Country Domination -Forum Game-
President of the Republic of Carolina. P of RC info: Jacob P. Fisher, 33 of age. Resident of formerly-Charlotte North Carolina, now Capellan, Carolina.

As the United States neared its 300th anniversary, it was clear it would not last in its entirety. The national debt was in the quadrillions, the cold war with North Korea (which had expanded into portions of China and Russia, gaining many times its previous landmass) had been going on for several decades, and non-government employment was forever dropping. Nearly half the country was not making enough money to afford the ever-rising cost of decent food and rent, and thus forced to sleep in McDonald's Condominiums. The Carolinas were the first group of states to leave the Union, though other states were beginning to make alliances and leave the Union as well. North and South Carolina became the single country of Carolina, under the rule of Jacob Fisher's father, who, unfortunately, was struck by lightning a year after secession... or so they say. A loose peace was being held between all the states, apart from Washington DC, where the constant public rioting that had been barely kept controlled in the past decade caused nearly complete destruction before the Army could get there and relocate and appease them.

Carolina is a peaceful nation, though it has the military arsenal in Fayetteville to hold its own in a battle if attacked. It has gone on one of the most intensive green-energy streaks of any nation, powering itself almost completely on solar power, and replanting trees in many areas of the Appalachian forests. The economy is decent, compared to other places, but there is, of course, still poverty and the such in some parts. The other states have made no move to attack Carolina, and indeed most are planning their own separations, and Washington DC is too weak and isolated to have much power anymore. Carolina has already made trading alliances with Italy and France, though it has avoided trade with Canada and England due to the recent outbreak of conflict between the two on American soil. If it were to be dragged into the conflict, though, it would likely side with Canada -- indeed, perhaps the only reason that the United States has not already jumped into the fray is because of the lack of unity it currently possesses.
[Image: iwn8gk.gif]

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Country Domination -Forum Game- - by Oak - 03-14-2013, 01:15 AM

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