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Country Domination -Forum Game-
(03-15-2013, 01:41 AM)Oak Wrote:
(03-15-2013, 12:53 AM)Omega Wrote: Stating a letter sent to us by someone known as Theo De Mayer De Rothschild, showing us our original statement of residence and panic, we have decided that we wish to believe as though food is not an acceptable topic for domination. However, due to Great Britain's massive population extinction, we outnumber them 3 to 1.

Due to Tokyo's disagreements with GB, France and Germany, as soon as we wipe Great Britain from the map (our weapons and self-trained warriors are more than enough to handle the situation, as we also smuggle guns, bombs, and chemical weapons from North Korea) then we must continue our fight with France and Germany.

I would say our biggest threat is Germany right now, their invasion is looming and with many strong leaders I am afraid we may lose many members.

Perhaps we should form an alliance. Maybe a peace treaty. Japan and the Great Brittania shall vow to never leave this treaty. We shall help defend Japan from those evil nazi-warlords who feed off of Jew-gold and Jew-money and Jew-workers, as well as Jew-culture.

Now we need someone who can take Germany and claim it as theirs, Myem pls take it and go to war with us.

This sounds as a fair deal. You gain troops and followers, we gain more protection against the Germans and the French. The main problem is that even with a treaty, we would need to send all of our militia against them which would cause a massive faulter in our defenses, something the French could attack. However, I am fairly certain at least 750,000 [of 2 million) may be able to stay behind with me and those who live in their own homes.

Good news also, Oak- we have decided to keep an alliance with North Korea for the sole purpose of trading weapons, and due to this, we have sent off some of our snitches in turn. This will allow our country to keep a good pace with weapons supplied for almost a million of our militia men (approx. 957,000 have the strongest chemical and physical [guns and things] weapons available for use. We however have shipped the bombs back in order to work out differences in war.)

Keep close, comrade, the Germans may send in large armies against you too. Seeing as how you have just used your bomb on Carolina, we can supply you with chemicals and guns.
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Country Domination -Forum Game- - by Oak - 03-14-2013, 01:15 AM

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