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Country Domination -Forum Game-
Unfortunately, due to the recent attempts to interfere with deployment of cargo, weapons, and chemicals from Carolina, we have decided to simply stay and the Britain Army must come to us for supplies.

Carolina is advised to stay as far as possible away from Japan- any planes found at the site will immediately be shot down unless the planes in Britain are revoked from the site. Any alliance once wanted to be established with Carolina will now be receded and the soon-to-be-sent peace treaty with Carolina has been shredded, burned, and more or less eliminated.

Any actions created by France or Canada are to be immediately stopped via a treaty, as France has broken free from Germany's original alliance. We do hope to establish a sort of treaty of 4 between France, Canada, Japan, and Britain to take down Germany as one. We hope this is effective, and 200,000 troops from Japan, 50,000 from Britain, and 125,000 from the France-Canada joint group is to be supplied to stop any attacks from Carolina, or scattering troops from Germany.

We effectively will then place 1,500,000 troops in the 4 surrounding countries total, leaving 2.8 million to attack Germany alone, and if needed, France/Canada and Britain will supply their troops.

We hope this plan works out, as none except parts of Africa agree with Germany's plans. Germany numbers 2.5 million, and Africa supplies approximately one fifth of this. Germany's recent escapes to other countries have weakened its naval and land troops, leaving it susceptible to our attack, which originally would not have worked.

Carolina is more than welcome to join a collaboration, as if the five of us are to work together, we could easily join to destroy any destructive areas moreso than Germany, such as the illusive Australia. However, if Carolina wishes to decline, we will remove all ships and planes from the surrounding area, so Carolina's best choice is to accept or vacate the area in order to keep the Air Force and Naval Fleet alive there. I will try my best to stop Britain from ever fighting you again, and perhaps may even offer to rebuild what was lost, though thousands of lives is a big number, we hope you will accept this deal. We would like to have you as part of an official raid against Germany, as I have heard word they attempt to attack 4 American countries, yours being one, the Official Democracy of California (north/south) and the Official Montana Militia.

~Ijiki Totoymo Ataki
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Country Domination -Forum Game- - by Oak - 03-14-2013, 01:15 AM

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