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Country Domination -Forum Game-
(03-15-2013, 07:15 PM)Oak Wrote:
(03-15-2013, 12:13 AM)Ghosty Wrote: Unfortunately for England, Asheville had long since been a ghost town -- replanted with lush forests, along with many miles around it, to help replenish the atmosphere. The only deaths were that of many rare and endangered species of wildlife, such as deer, the red fox, and and the black bear. Many nations everywhere turn to England in shock and horror at this unwarranted attack, which not only directly adds to the level of carbon dioxide and radiation in the air from the vaporized trees, but prevents the removal of some of it because of the lack of trees, and because of the irradiated soil meaning they are unable to be replanted.

The seaports of Charleston and Wilmington send out large solar-powered aircraft carriers to blockade England's shoreline, and international trade with Britain has been nearly halted. All of the few flights to Britain from the remains of America have been halted, as have the many few flights from China, France, Italy, Germany, the Middle East, and Nigeria (which has become a powerful country, relatively speaking, over the past decades). A warning is sent to Britain from Carolina: if any unwarranted attacks are unleashed over any countries anywhere in the world by Britain, then any planes, boats, or other vehicles leaving Britain will be shot down, even civilian vehicles, such as still exist. If any nuclear attacks are launched, even if they do not reach their target, then Carolina will retaliate on British soil.

We overrule. The Great Britannia shall never perish from OUR land. Carolina is ours, and always will be so. We will never come to an agreement or alliance with your filthy nation. The British Navy and Royal Air Force have bombed each and every one of your troops barricading our holy soil without warning, or notice. You must surrender this instant before Japan steps in and gives Carolina a nice "tasty dish" with extra pollutants and poisons just for your people. Get out of our land, we say. Stop crumbling the reputation of the British. You may never ever sacrifice another soul again. If you make any threats again, we shall proceed to report them all to the U.N and classify it as acts of terrorism. Now back off, we say.

(03-15-2013, 06:34 PM)Ghosty Wrote: After Britain's humiliatingly quick change of attitude towards Japan after the attacks upon Buckinghamshire, the Canadians and French have worked out an alliance. If either nation is attacked again by the British or Japanese, both nations will retaliate, but as of yet, the reaction of either country to an offensive attack by the other nation has not yet been determined.

Carolina's few warships and airplanes continue to patrol the waters around England, preventing incoming and outgoing supply vessels, which will make it difficult for Japan to send or receive any supplies to or from Britain. There are rumors of Carolina joining the French-Canadian alliance if hostilities continue, though the official stance of Jacob Fisher's country is still neutral.

You will never win this. The French and Canadian people will not buy your nonsensical bull. Forever may Carolina be alone with no allies.

I am sorry, but I am a peaceful ruler. I only attack when others are attacked. I have given a fair warning to the nation of Carolina, and thus signaled 8 of their warships to evacuate the area due to possible attack. Turns out I was right.

Sir, I would like to note to you that we are bigger than you are. A treaty on our part was best for both of us, because you give us the extra boost we need and you need so too. We will only attack in form of self-defense, and if you attempt to attack Carolina via U.N. Controlled weaponry we may sign off with Carolina to fight you.

Thin ice is not a good place to be in these times, and I suggest an attack on Carolina will not be necessary. Please refrain from decisions of provoking war with Germany, as you know that we can not defeat them. If they hear word of Carolina, us, any more of America, or even Japan and France/Canada.

Speaking of France/Canada, we have joined an alliance as four. An attack on Germany is possible, but only for 4 more months as they attempt to attack one at a time. A single attack can last over 3 weeks, so if Carolina would like to defeat Germany before being assimilated they are more than welcome to do so.

Also, due to the loss of your many thousands of lives and your tens of warships, we have supplied 15 cargo ships, 10 warships and we have also supplied 10,000 of our troops to help the cause. Live long and be free.

~Ijiki Totoymo Ataki

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Country Domination -Forum Game- - by Oak - 03-14-2013, 01:15 AM

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