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Please, do not insult Ashely.
This has gotten out of hand, I don't necessarily like her either. But come one, she's doing what she must - as a moderator. The advice Ashely thread was locked mainly because it would end in a flame war. And I know something about flame wars. Some chaotic person will just go and make something they think is funny, then others will start trolling because someone doesn't support. Doesn't supporter fights back. That's how it works.

"But she is locking threads!"

Yes. Not a big deal, she locks threads validly.

"She banned people!"

Maybe. To stop them from spreading into a huge flame war.

"She demoted Ming-yan!"

NO! Her and Jacob talked it out.

Ashely is doing a good job! If you don't like it, there's a shiny little "Logout" button at the top of your page.

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Please, do not insult Ashely. - by DebateAccount - 08-10-2011, 08:33 PM

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