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My return: an important address to the Buildism community.
Alright Ming-Yan, whatever you say. It would've been very nice to see you back up your opinion with facts because right now, I can't take you seriously when it comes down to this situation. I don't have any idea why you are giving us your opinions on such a serious matter, yet you're not backing your opinions up with any proof. Then again, there isn't any proof that you can give me, because if there was _actual_, existing proof out there, you would have given it to me a long time ago. You're one of the two or three people on Buildism who can't seem to understand that this thread is completely logical and legitimate. If I was telling you guys lies or if my information was incorrect, then this thread would have never been approved by Login, Ashely, or even Jacob_, really. Not to mention, there are other members and staff who approved of this thread too.

So I ask you this: why are you arguing against proven facts that are right in front of us with your own opinions and theories? Let me know; I'm very curious.

I'm off to bed now. I'll respond to you in the morning.
Ryne Thiel

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