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Regarding my CubeBomb frame (Story & impact on Buildism)
Hi Jupiter,

A few things for you to keep in mind:

I do believe that I mentioned somewhere in my thread that it would have been close to impossible for me to code CubeBomb a game if I were not taking the time to moderate the community and keeping the staff organized. As I have stated, I can't just go ahead and create a game meant to support (about) a dozen or more staff members on it who don't know what they are doing. The staff were screwing up in almost every direction you could turn, and I wasn't willing to program a game build for a huge, unprofessional, risky staff team to be administrating it. They had no idea what they were doing, so I didn't want to take the chance to have them ruin my work one way or another. Even StuffMaker agreed with me on this one at first.

Also, you can't forget that making a game for an outrageously poor-behaved community is not a good idea. I would have had to do _a lot_ of work before with the community before the game was released either way. I'm glad that I figured out that leaving CubeBomb was a good idea so long before I finished the game; after all, if I would have finished the game and then demoted the staff, it would have been a complete, utter waste of my time. The same thing would have happened either way.

Demoting the staff was the best thing for CubeBomb at the time. I really had no other choice other than to leave without trying this strategy a last resort.
Ryne Thiel

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