Please read. I'm calling for a small meeting on XFire.
Hello, everyone. I just lost a huge thread due to a forum error in which when you post an invalid attachment, you lost your entire thread and you need to start over. Well, I'm not planning on retyping my entire thread again because it was enough of a pain to type once, so I'm calling a meeting on XFire about the thread and other topics that must be covered.

If you don't have XFire, please download it from and then install it. Then, add "CoderRyne". If you have any difficulties with getting XFire and then adding me, please post them here.

Otherwise, if you have XFire, please add "CoderRyne" if you haven't already.

Either way, do everything in your power to attend this meeting starting two hours from when this thread is posted (6:25PM Central). The topics that we will be discussing are very important, and I really need as many staff participants as I can possibly get. Let me know if you cannot attend. Thank you.
Ryne Thiel

Messages In This Thread
Please read. I'm calling for a small meeting on XFire. - by CoderRyne - 08-16-2011, 11:25 PM

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