08-27-2011, 05:54 PM
"I've got 11k forum posts on RT." - I haven't heard of most people who have lots of forum posts just because of that.
"Most old RTers know me." - I doubt it.
"I've got RBTH <--- little kiddies always ask me how I got it" - Which makes you famous?
"I've got 3.5k place visits <--- Pretty sad though.." - You said it yourself. Not that much.
"I own a 200 person clan.." - Well done. Considering some of those will be alts, about 180 people know your name.
"I'm a mod in NINJAKID09's legacy game." - Who?
"My inbox is spammed by hackers I perma banned from the game." - So 5 people or something spamming you makes you famous. No.
I don't think you are semi-famous.
"Most old RTers know me." - I doubt it.
"I've got RBTH <--- little kiddies always ask me how I got it" - Which makes you famous?
"I've got 3.5k place visits <--- Pretty sad though.." - You said it yourself. Not that much.
"I own a 200 person clan.." - Well done. Considering some of those will be alts, about 180 people know your name.
"I'm a mod in NINJAKID09's legacy game." - Who?
"My inbox is spammed by hackers I perma banned from the game." - So 5 people or something spamming you makes you famous. No.
I don't think you are semi-famous.
True beauty.