Short message for Jacob
People are becoming inactive on this game because it is completely boring. Forums were cool for three days now nobody posts on it. Games have nothing compared to other games. There is nothing else to do. I guess people like 3D that explains why Roblox and MineCraft and Toon Town and all that jazz got so popular. Building is this game is even harder then on Roblox. I know thats because its 2D and all but if you were wondering why people don't play its because there is nothing to do. Maybe if you improve the multiplayer it would be a little funner. I'm not saying I hate the game but if you stop making updates and all thats gonna make the inactiveness even worse. I don't hate your game I am just stating my opinion.[/font]

[Image: 260wwlv.jpg]

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Short message for Jacob - by Vince - 09-02-2011, 01:02 AM

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