Buildism Review
Buildism is a great game with a great community. From first glance of your game I could see that your 1 developer has worked very hard on this website.

But, I have bad thoughts on the community.
For a website that only allowed 13+, many of you act immature.

First of all, this thread caught my eye:

What the users Kieron and Qwertygiy did was really immature, I wouldn't expect this from a moderator and ex-buildism user.

Another thread I have read:

Your so-called Community Manager could of kept it to himself, many people use the computer for educational/social reasons, they also use it when they are depressed.

I flipped back a few pages on Buildism Discussion and The Community, a lot of stuff has been said about this user 'Kieron'. I checked the wiki to see what I could find and it turns out he is hated by many of you all. After further research, a user named 'Who' stated:
*insert long list of kierons idiotic acts*
And the user 'CheeseSticks' stated:
"He did a lot of idiotic acts and blamed it on his hormones."
According to a Private Message, Kieron claimed he had Precocious Puberty. I am neutral in this situation, as many of you wouldn't say what he did - which makes me think you were lieing, but, though Kieron had precocious puberty, what he has apparently done according to the community is unacceptable. I think his punishment shouldn't be so severe.

Then I came across a user named Luckyone, he has attracted a lot of attention on this website for "Spamming". A user named 'Broloxer' posted an image of Luckyone posting countless numbers of empty messages on his shoutbox. After several other posts I figured that there were no posts about what he did except his Spamming. If you wish to back-up arguments, just lock the posts, not delete.

So my ratings on Buildism are as followed:

Game: 9/10

Community: 4.5/10

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Buildism Review - by RickAstley - 09-07-2011, 07:28 PM

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