Buildism Review
I put that because I didn't feel like posting all his acts in here and other sites, but since you look it that way.

1- He spamed and flamed, always with the excuse of the hormones (just when we started mentioning it, he started claiming that was a PART of the problem now).

2- Due to some users being mean to him, instead of reporting to Jacob_, he had a really nice idea, go to roblox and organize a raid.

3- Permanent banned after that, he started coming back with proxy made alts (more than 15).

That's maybe the 3 main reasons (anyone else feel free to post another one)
Also, about the first link you posted: He did his job as moderator successfully and showing lots of maturity, whatever done in other sites is irrelevant to this (except that the action made could create controversy around his internet life)

The second link posted is about one of the moderators quitting all computer related actions, he realized that being so much in the computer affected him in mind and body, he realized he needed to stop, so he did, that thread was his explanation about his actions
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]

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Buildism Review - by RickAstley - 09-07-2011, 07:28 PM

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