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Rule update
Suicide is now mentioned in the "no illegal activities" rule.

It was technically there from the start, but while reading a thread on TheAdminZone today I learned that if someone on your website talks about seriously attempting suicide, you are required to do something about it. If you know the contact information of their family member, or can retrieve it somehow, you have to tell them. If you know where the member lives, you have to call the police. If you don't know either of those, call their ISP and tell them to call the police.

If you don't do anything about it, and the member actually commits suicide, you can go to jail. If anyone tries to talk them out of it on the forum, they can go to jail too for counseling without a license. So while you might not care about getting temp banned, I'm sure you don't want the police showing up at your house or me telling your mom. I know this might seem creepy, but when it's a matter of life or death (or me not going to jail) I will take it much more seriously than the typical forum drama.

TL;DR: if you say anything on here about making a suicide attempt, I will not only temp ban you for breaking a rule, but call the police or your parents.

Messages In This Thread
Rule update - by Jacob__mybb_import1 - 09-11-2011, 03:40 AM

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