The ten commandants of thy order (But first, an interesting and unbiased story)
After drinking 50 liters of soda, Party Pete came to me and showed me what used to be the greatest civilization of their time, the house guests. He explained to me that in it's peak of power a certain individual (Who would remain anonymous to the general public) spoke out against The Order and all of party hell broke loose. People started rebelling against the benevolent will of The Order.

TO tried to handle it, but the group of rebelling house guests that called themselves the "Revolutionary Buildists for Greater Freedom and Independence" or RBGFI for short was already a professional organization that has been planning and training for that day of independence.

A prominent member of the RBGFI was Jacob_, although he wasn't assertive to TO during the early stages, he played an important role in the end of TO and the aftermath.

As the great leader of TO and the house guests was being sentenced into death row and painful capital punishment, he whispered a blessing to all of us, even though the majority didn't appreciate for what he sacrificed just so we can party, he was a true and proud house guest.

Tears strolled down his face as he smiled happily for what the rebels/Buildists accomplished.

Secretly, Jacob_ allowed him out instead of being killed for his "crimes."

Today, many Buildists deny having the cultural background of a house guest, however, several proud members that served TO and remain here to this day include cheesesticks, his identity was changed into hippo_yay because a member of the order would be defined as a controversial figure on mass media (Most of the controversy is from our so-called "friends" at the kool kids klub which air daily news programs called 'did u no' (or dun) and 'kkk news' which are self-proclaimed to have an overly conservative and patriotic view on things, and accused TO of being communists because we don't watch their crap and a portion of us are liberals "adn librals = commies = nazis = EVAL !!"

Anyways, Party Pete requested me to start the second coming of TO, so I'll post the commandants soon.

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The ten commandants of thy order (But first, an interesting and unbiased story) - by lol - 09-23-2011, 05:19 AM

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