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Freedom Typers
(10-06-2011, 01:21 AM)LOL Wrote: -In case if a major drama war occurs in the future I have made my own bunker with presidential seating and viewing glass with automatic coke refillers and popcorn reserves

Reminds me of that scene in Monsters Vs. Aliens.

Government guy: "What are we going to do about this monster, sir?"

President: "Hmm... I think there's only one thing to do."

*president moves over to giant red button*

Government guys: "NO NO NO DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON!!"

President: "Why not?!"

Government guy: "That's the button that releases all our nuclear weapons!"

President: "Then where's the button that gives me a cappuchino?"

*government guy points to identical red button 5 feet over*

President: "Ah." *pushes button, gets cappuchino* "Whoever designed this place is an idiot."

Government guy: "Uh, you designed it sir."

President: "Oh. Right. Fair enough. Mmm, that's a good cuppa joe."

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Freedom Typers - by lol - 07-28-2011, 04:07 AM

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