Final Scene of my play for Drama
(Grabski, Un-named, Soldier 1, 2 and 3 are found in a helicopter)
Grabski: Thanks for the lift, how long until we are there?
Soldier 3: Approximately......
(Missile sound)
Soldier 2: RPG!
Soldier 3: Crap!
Soldier 1: We're falling straight into the bridge!
(All actors on-stage jump forward)
(Grabski does a commando roll, un-named falls down, soldiers 1, 2 & 3 roll normally)
(Crash sound)
Grabski: Come on, you lot! This bridge won't hold forever!
(They all run forward unconscious occasionally climbing for 5 seconds)
Grabski: Crap! Enemy infantry, on our 12!
Enemy soldier: Da sind sie!(There they are!)
Un-named: Crap! We've been spotted!
(All actors engage in a 'gun' battle against enemy soldiers for 2 minutes)
Soldier 1: It's no use, there are too many of them!
Grabski: And to top it all off, Hinds on our 6!
Soldier 2: Hinds? That's just great!
Un-named: Hind missile!
(Missile sound, explosion, Soldier 1 is killed)
Grabski: Is everyone alright!?
Un-named: One of the Russians are dead!
Grabski: Jesus Christ, we are outnumbered as it is-- CRAP! ANOTHER MISSILE!
(All actors duck)
Soldier 2: It's aiming for that tanker!
Grabski: We're cornered! If we go forward we get killed by soldiers, go back, we get killed by the tanker, stay here, the Hind kills us!
Soldier 3: Not necessarily, if we can kill off enough infantry, we can get to a safe---
(Missile sound, Grabski pushes Soldier 3 out of the way, explosion injures Grabski as the 'tanker' explodes)
Un-named: Grabski! Are you alright!
Soldier 3: The explosion crashed the Hind into the infantry, most of them have been killed...
Soldier 2: Grabski! Grabski!
(Grabski is weakly on the floor)
Grabski: Havoc! In the air...
Soldier 3: NO! Anything but a Havoc!
(4 missile sounds)
(Soldier 2 & 3 and Un-named are thrown across the bridge, Un-named is 'hanging', Soldier 3 is far forward and Soldier 2 is near Grabski)
(Dodge comes on-stage carrying a 'pistol')
(Dodge shoots Soldier 3 who dies)
(Dodge approaches Soldier 2 and shoots him)
(Dodge walks over to Grabski, about to shoot him, but Un-namedi climbs up and kicks Dodge's hands then pushes him)
(Grabski and Dodge fight for 3 minutes, after 3 minutes, Dodge shoots Un-named in the stomach, Un-named is alive but wounded, while Un-named falls, a 'pistol'(planner) is slid over to Grabski who shoots Dodge, this part is in slow motion)
('helicopter' flies in and Soldier 4(Farhan), Soldier 5(Bow) and Soldier 6(Dodge) 'rope' onto the 'bridge')
Soldier 5: Etot yele dyshet!(Etot yelly desheet[This man can hardly breath!])
Soldier 5: My nashli odnogo ostavshegosya v zhivykh!(Me nashi onog ostavshegosya uv zeeshik[We found one survivor!])
Soldier 5: Zaberite yego ot·syuda!(Zabite yego otsuda[Take him away!])
(In background, Soldiers 4 and 6 try reviving the others.

Messages In This Thread
Final Scene of my play for Drama - by Mustachio - 10-25-2011, 09:36 PM

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