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The KBI Blog: Qwertygiy

[Blog Post]

There's been a LOT of stuff going on recently; not enough to be crazy but enough to keep me slightly dizzy. (Or maybe that's just Who's signature acting weird with Firefox...)
  • Buildism now has ONE online server! Multiplayer is still buggy as ever, but now you can run regular servers without port forwarding! (At least Hamachi servers are collaborative, so I don't feel totally useless.)
  • In 3 days, the final race of the 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series will happen near Miami. The track there is an oval that is slightly straightened in the middle of the corners (think Indianapolis, if you've ever watched the famous non-NASCAR Indy 500).

    Tony Stewart, my favorite driver, will be racing his #14 Office Depot Chevy against Carl Edwards' #99 Aflac Ford. He is only 3 points behind. The closest championship in NASCAR history was 8 points, in 2004. And it was only that close because the points leader coming into the race lost a wheel coming to pit road and barely avoided impaling his car.

    It's a new points system though, so 48 points is the maximum amount you can get (instead of 190-ish). If Tony wins; leads the most laps and beats Carl; or finishes 5 spots ahead of him, he wins the championship, since he has the most wins in the season if they tie. (Which would still be HUGE)

    But the best part is: Jimmie Johnson has absolutely no chance at winning his 6th consecutive championship.

  • As most of you know, the full release of Minecraft is tomorrow. I'm only really caring about this because it means the multiplayer server I play will be remapping after that and I can finally start building there Tongue
  • A new user, realnashboy24, joined a while back and, so far, is one of the most active current users (let alone new users, of which the only other truly active one is Aeridyth, who works on the wiki mostly). He's actually making games Big Grin and he has helped me get a fresh start on repairing some of my games, such as Compartment Department. (Still waiting for Scripter to get back to me there to see if he has Anti's ray/beam; I might have to code that complicated bit myself)
  • These bulletin points are waaaaaay too large.

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--Anonymous Conservative Christian

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The KBI Blog: Qwertygiy - by Qwertygiy - 07-26-2011, 08:14 PM

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