Chaos Thread - Post here if it isn't worth making a new thread!
Jessica Biel and Megan Fox
Wearin' nothin' but their socks
Is all I really want for Christmas this year.
Well, that's just not practical.
Spending a week in Mexico
With some black guys and some blow
Is all I really want for Christmas this year.
Aw, that sounds terrific. How about you, kids?
I would like a pair of skates,
Then I'd go out skating,
But I really don't know how to skate.
I want a Lexus all in pink
And a dad who doesn't drink.
Oh, and that reminds me, twelve kegs of beer.
All these happy wishes
And lots of Christmas cheer
Is all I really want this year.
Santa's got his work cut out for him.
Oh, we ain't even gotten started yet.
I wanna tour the Spanish coast...
Lunch with Michael Landon's ghost...
Is all I really want for Christmas this year.
Wait, what?
Forget it. Keep goin'.
Jennifer Garner in my bed...
Softer voices in my head...
Is all I really want for Christmas this year.
Yellow cake uranium.
Never mind the reason.
Also Chutes and Ladders and a ball.
Doesn't this seem like too much stuff?
Poo on you! It's not enough!
Buddy boy, I got your Christmas right here.
All these happy wishes
And lots of Christmas cheer
Is all I really want this year.
I'm just saying it seems a bit excessive.
Oh, get off your soapbox, Brian, it's Christmas.
And Christmas is about gettin'. Everyone in town knows that.
Japanese girls with no restraint
Just to choke me till I faint
Is all I really want for Christmas this year.
Ooh, giggity!
Platinum-plated silverware...
Just one day when kids don't stare...
Is all I really want for Christmas this year.
If you put a Christmas tree
In the public airport,
I will go to court and sue your ass!
Happy holiday!
Wouldn't I love a Tinkertoy?
And a little drummer boy.
He can either tap his drum or my rear.
All these happy wishes
And lots of Christmas cheer
Is all I really want this year.
I want a golden mustache comb.
And some spermicidal foam.
That's all I really want for Christmas this year.
I want a brand new pitching wedge.
I would like more Lemon Pledge.
That's all I really want for Christmas this year.
I just want a wedding ring
From someone named Jeffrey.
I just want some colored Easter eggs.
I want a Blu-ray of The Wiz.
We don't know what "Christmas" is.
We have something else called "Kishgev Fufleer".
All these happy wishes
And lots of Christmas cheer
Is all I really want this year.
We can get out of any mess
If we learn to live with less.
And with Santa's love there's nothing to fear.
All these happy wishes
And lots of Christmas cheer
Is all I really want...
There's a bunch of birds in the sky,
And some deers just went running by!
Oh, the snow's pure and white on the earth rich and brown!
Just another Sunday morning in my quiet mountain town.

The sun is shining and the grass is green,
Under the three feet of snow, I mean.
This is the day when it's hard to wear a frown!
All the happy people stop to say hello!

Get out of my way!

Even though the temperature's low,
It's a perfect Sunday morning in my quiet little mountain town!

Well, good morning, Stan!
Mom, can I have eight dollars to see a movie?
A movie? But I thought you were going ice skating!
But this is gonna be the best movie ever! It's a foreign film from Canada!
All right, all right, here you go, but be back for supper!
Thanks Mom!

Oh, what a picture-perfect child!
Just like Jesus, he's tender and mild.
He'd wear a smile while he wore a thorny crown!
What an angel, with a heart so sweet and sure, and a mind so open and pure.
Thank God we live in this quiet redneck mountain town!

Hi, is your son home?
I think so… Hey!
Kenny, wake up! Kenny, damnit, come on!
I'm coming!
Kenny! The Terrance & Phillip movie is out, you wanna come?
Yeah, dude! Hell yes I wanna come!
Where do you think you're going?
To the Terrance and Phillip movie.
You can't! You have to go to church!
But Mom, I wanna see this movie!
Well, fine. Go ahead and miss church. And then, when you die and go to hell, you can answer to Satan!

You can see your breath hanging in the air.
You see homeless people, but you just don't care.
It's a sea of smiles in which we'd be glad to drown!

Don't you know? It's like a perfect winter day!
And that I'm glad I can say!

That's right! It's Sunday morning in our quiet, little, white-bread, redneck mountain town!

Look at those frail and fragile boys,
It really gets me down.
The world is such a rotten place,
And city life's a complete disgrace!
That’s why I moved to this redneck, meshuggeneh, quiet mountain town!
Mom, somebody's at the door!
Mom, somebody's at the door, I said!
Coming, hon.
Ey! I can't see the TV!
News Reporter: It's been six weeks since Saddam Hussein was killed by a pack of wild boars, and the world is still glad to be rid of him.
Oh, look, Eric! It's your little friends.
What are you guys doing here?
Sweet, dude! Yes! Yes!

Off to the movies we shall go,
Where we learn everything that we know,
'Cause the movies teach us what our parents don't have time to say!
And this movie's gonna make our lives complete,
'Cause Terrance & Phillip are sweet!

Super sweet!
Thank God we live in a quiet, little, redneck, podunk, white-trash,


Messages In This Thread
OMG GUYS - by Ming-Yan - 08-01-2011, 08:05 AM
Posting from School - by Tyler - 09-23-2011, 06:46 PM
I'm making this post from school. - by Brassrhino - 10-07-2011, 05:57 PM
RE: Over 1,000 Facts! - by Tyler - 01-22-2012, 02:13 AM
Seven O'clock in the evening - by Tyler - 02-01-2012, 12:37 AM
RE: Seven O'clock in the evening - by dominate - 02-01-2012, 06:55 PM
RE: Seven O'clock in the evening - by Duck - 02-01-2012, 07:05 PM
RE: Seven O'clock in the evening - by Qwertygiy - 02-01-2012, 07:10 PM
GUYS LOOK - by Glome - 03-03-2012, 02:05 AM
RE: GUYS LOOK - by sergentkyle - 03-03-2012, 02:12 AM
RE: GUYS LOOK - by Dignity - 03-03-2012, 02:19 AM
Stuff you probably didn't know - by Kieron - 04-25-2012, 10:01 PM
RE: Stuff you probably didn't know - by Qwertygiy - 04-25-2012, 10:05 PM

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