My new play for Drama
Scene 2:

Birch: That's how we got involved in the war! Remember!
Dodge: I believe there was another part that got the others involved... January 19th, 2012...
(Woosh sound)
(Frampton and Law tightly grip Dodge's fists as if they handcuffed him)
Pedrick: I know what you have done, Kieron... I know everything...
(Pedrick walks closer to Dodge, arms behind back)
Pedrick: You're a traitor...
(Pedrick makes 1 hand into a gun and points it at Dodge)
Law: Do it to the head!
Pedrick: Now, now, Sophia that would be too quick and painless.
(Pedrick aims the gun at Dodge's stomach)
Dodge: Please, Abbie! No!
(Pedrick pretends to shoot, while smiling evily)
Pedrick: Drop him.
(Frampton and Law let go)
(Dodge falls weakly to the floor gripping his stomach)
Pedrick: It has been done... Charlotte, Sophia, let's go.
(The 3 leave stage)
(Gentle screams are heard after they leave)
Dodge: Abbie... Die... Now...
(Dodge crawls over to the other edge of the stage while moaning)
(Dodge stands up after 5 seconds still holding his stomach)
Dodge: Abbie........ Why........
(Dodge picks up a pretend gun from the floor after falling down)
(Dodge stands back up)
(Dodge holds stomach while pointing gun)
(The others go back on-stage pretending the kill imaginary people)
Dodge: Ab.......Bie.....
(Dodge follows the 3 occasioanlly bashing into walls)
Dodge: *coughs* Abb.......
(Dodge grabs Pedrick's shoulder and pulls Pedrick to face him)
Pedrick: Ahh!
(Pedrick tries to punch Dodge, but Dodge catches Pedrick's fist but let's go quickly)
Dodge: Ugggh.......
Dodge: Must....
(Dodge collapses)
Pedrick: He'll be dead soon... Don't you worry.

Messages In This Thread
My new play for Drama - by Mustachio - 12-01-2011, 10:49 PM

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