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I'm going to attempt to make a game in python
I changed the game and this is all I bothered to write
print("*Game Notice:Please turn off caps before starting*")

print("Hello user 935")
print("Press 1 or 2 to ask a question...")
q1 = raw_input("1 Who are you?  2 Where am I? :")
if q1 == "1":
    print("We will get to that later on...")
if q1 == "2":
    print("You are in a top secret testing faciltiy")
print("Ask another question...")
q2 = raw_input("1 Who are you?  2 Where am I? :")
if q2 == "1":
    print("We will get to that later on...")
if q2 == "2":
    print("You are in a top secret testing facility")
print("That is all the questions for now.")
print("Well uh what was it agian? Well lets call you by your name.")
name = raw_input("Please Enter you name here  :")
print("Welcome "+name)
print("1: What am I here for?")
print("2: How do I get out of here?")
q3 = raw_input("Please select one of these question by the number  :")
if q3 == "1":
    print("You are here to complete a series of tests.")
if q3 == "2":
    print("By completing a series of tests.")
print("Ask another question...")
print("1: What am I here for?")
print("2: How do I get out of here?")
q3 = raw_input("Please select one of these question by the number  :")
if q3 == "1":
    print("You are here to complete a series of tests.")
if q3 == "2":
    print("By completing a series of tests.")
print ("you can ask two more questions before we move on to your tests")
q4 = raw_input("1: Why me?  2: Will these tests be dangerous?")
if q4 == "1":
    print("Because you are far more than the average human")
if q4 == "2":
    print("You will see as the time comes")
print("Ask another question...")
q4 = raw_input("1: Why me?  2: Will these tests be dangerous? :")
if q4 == "1":
    print("Because you are far more than the average human")
if q4 == "2":
    print("You will see as the time comes")

print("Now lets move on to your first test")
print("This test infact will be dangerous, "+name)
print("You must make your way from this platform to the Platform ahead of you")
q5 = raw_input("1: How do I do that?  :")
if q5 == "1":
    print("I hope you find out soon you have 10 minutes")
jump1 = raw_input("1: Jump to platfrom to the right  2: Jump to platform to the left  :")
if jump1 == "1":
    print("Good job you made it")
if jump1 == "2":
    print("Good job you made it")
print("The next jump takes more skill")
jump2 = raw_input("1:Jump to rusty platform 1 1/2 feet away  2:Jump to new platform 3 feet away :")
if jump == "1":
    print("You have failed")
if jump2 == "2":
    print("Congardulations "+name)
print("Now there is one last jump")
jump3 = raw_input("1: Jump to Finish platform 2: Jump to Ladder")
if jump3 == "1":
    print("You are done with your first test"+name)
if jump3 == "2":
    print("The ladder slips into the darkness below you,You have failed")
print("User 583 completed this test perfectly lets see if you can do the same "+name)
print("You may have noticed that if you fail you don't die...")
q6 = raw_input("1: How does that work?")
if q6 == "1":
    print("If you don't mind lets move on to your next test")
q7 = raw_input("1: No, tell me now!  2:Okay i'm ready")
if q7 == "1":
    print("I said lets move on to your next test "+name)
if q7 == "2":
    print("Thank you")
print("583 had few problems with the next test lets hope you're the same")
print("Before you woke up you had some injections...")
q8 = raw_input("1: What kind of injections?")
if q8 == "1":
    print("If you would please let me finish "+name)
print("Now these injections may have changed your memory...")
print("So please tell me every other letter of the alphabet until you reach 'H' seperate them with commas please ")
q9 =raw_input(": ")
if q9 == "a,c,e,g,i,h":
    print("It seems that you are far more exceptional")
else:"Please retry"
q9 =raw_input(": ")
if q9 == "a,c,e,g,i,h":
    print("Lets move on...")
q10 = raw_input("1: Tell my why I didn't die when I failed. :")
if q10 == "1":
    print("Well okay then the fact are dead "+name)
q11 = raw_input("1: WHAT? :")
print("Well not dead 100% your body is dead body your mind isn't")
q12 = raw_input("1: Well then how am I completing these tests?")
if q12 == "1":
    print("They are computer generated they don't exist in the real world")
print("Also, after you have completed these tests you will be sent back home and you will forget this all ever happened")
print("Now you should see a door to your right...This is your next test")
q13 = raw_input("1: Open door")
print("What you see is New York City")
q14 = raw_input("1: How?  2: What now?")
if q14 == "1":
    print("Like I said, all computer generated")
if q14 == "2":
    print("You must get to the top of the tower in front of you")
print("Choose another question...")
q14 = raw_input("1: How?  2: What now?")
if q14 == "1":
    print("Like I said, all computer generated")
if q14 == "2":
    print("You must get to the top of the tower in front of you")

Messages In This Thread
I'm going to attempt to make a game in python - by Good - 12-30-2011, 03:13 AM

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